Welcome to my blog!

Hi all,

My name is Génika Jo.
Thank you for stopping by my new blog. A few years back, I became passionate about non-toxic products, and I have decided to bring awareness and share my knowledge and experience about this topic with the rest of the world. I faced a lot of challenges while transitioning, especially with makeup. It took months to find the products that would work with my skin tone.

I will be sharing information about makeup, skincare, personal care products, sustainable living, fashion, and much more. I am so excited about sharing products with you. This blog is to help anyone who would like to transition into a clean lifestyle.

Make sure to subscribe to my newsletter to be stay updated.

I’ll talk to you soon
xoxo Génika Jo

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  1. Hi Genika, I would love to know more about this.😘

    1. Hi Sabina!! I can’t wait to share!
      Stay tuned 🙂

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