The art of being yourself!

There is so much more happiness in being yourself. We live in a society where we get bombarded by social media and news, which often dictates how we should talk and react, and what clothes we should wear. Every other week, a new trend comes out, and most of the time, it makes us doubt ourselves – we’re not skinny enough, our eyebrows are not thick or thin enough, our waist isn’t small enough…the list goes on.  However, society should not influence us. As individuals on this earth, we are called to be unique and distinct.


Everyone is different. We were all created for a specific plan and purpose. We don’t need to follow the trends; we are to make a difference in this world. Per Matthew 5:14, “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.” The world needs you and your specific gift. By avoiding being yourself, you’re depriving the world of the best of you: your gift and talent.

My purpose is different from yours, but we came into this world to complete one another and not be imitators. We often think that the grass is greener on the other side; however, take the time to water your own grass, and you will see that you’ll grow the best and healthiest lawn. 

You were born in this generation to fulfill a specific purpose, a God-given purpose. Your gift will create a path for you in the world and enable you to fulfill your vision to fruition. You may have been a surprise for your parents, but you were not a surprise for God. You came into this world to accomplish something extraordinary, and it’s never too late to discover what that is. You may be in your 30’s, 50’s or even 70’s – no matter what season of your life you are in, you can always ask God to reveal your purpose, and he will be faithful to do so.

Believe in yourself

We often believe that we are not enough. We were all born originals; however, most of us have become imitators, due to what we see around us. But we were created to stand out, not to blend in. Social media is a significant factor nowadays as to why people compare themselves. Many are envious of others simply because they think they have to measure up. Let me encourage you not to waste your energy in comparison. There are more than seven billion people on this planet, and no one has the same fingerprints. You are uniquely gifted and have much to accomplish on this earth.

If social media causes you to feel less than you are, I strongly recommend that you take an extended break. Comparison is the thief of joy. 

Remember – your identity is not in what others think of you or what you may even think of yourself. Your identity is found in how God defines you, and he says that you are a masterpiece!

“Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.” Psalm 139: 14-16 

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    1. Thank you! You are unique and wonderfully made 🙂

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