Hi everyone,
Thank you for coming back to my blog! I’m sure you clicked on this post because of its title. After many months of pain, blood, sweat and tears. It’s time for me to open up!
A project under construction for a good amount of time is a good analogy of a woman giving birth. Preparation, sleepless nights, excitement mixed with stress, discouragement at times, but in the end…it was all worth it.
My baby is finally here! Last November, I launched my first company. I’m happy and excited to introduce to you my skincare collection Beauté Nétive by Aisance Nétive.

How it started
I always wanted to have my own beauty line for years. When God puts something in your heart, he will give you the strength, courage and resources to accomplish it. At first, I wanted to make handmade skincare products. With time, my ideas shifted. I wanted to have a makeup line: more precisely, a non-toxic lipstick collection and face highlighters. I sourced and researched for the right factories, for a long period of time. I had finally found THE laboratories to work with. When it was time to finalize my selection….the pandemic hit! I had to re-evaluate EVERYTHING! No one was wearing makeup anymore, or barely did. Lipsticks…the masks would smudge it all over! So, at the moment, it was not the best option.
That’s when I knew I had to go back to the initial idea God had put in my heart for over 5 years ago….the handmade Skincare line. I’ve always been the type to take care of my skin. Don’t get it twisted, I love makeup, however, taking care of our skin is the most important, as it is the number one step to our skin routine.
The process
Was it easy? NO. Did I want to give up at times? 100% YES! Was I questioning myself? ABSOLUTELY, but at the same time, I knew I was able to do it and I would be not only good but GREAT at it. Therefore, I pushed through and I continued. I prayed and kept declaring that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” and “God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to HIS purpose.” I had to lean on these scriptures. At times, I would ask myself: “What are you doing?”, “Are you sure you’re supposed to do this?”, “What if it doesn’t work”, “What if you’re just wasting your money?”, “So and so, is already doing something similar!” Even as I’m writing this blog post, I’m telling myself: “Oh my…what am I doing?” I had and have to protect my mind and silence all these voices! Not letting my heart be troubled and believing in the vision God had given me! Also, I had to trust in the Lord Trust with all my heart, and do not lean on MY OWN understanding.

Look at your own grass
It’s easy to think that the grass is greener on the other side, but yours is as beautiful as whomever’s you’re looking at it. You just have to focus on yours. Water it, mow the lawn, fertilize your soil and enjoy the process! Although these people can motivate you, looking at them sometimes can provoke stress, confusion, anxiety and even….discouragement! Remember, the person started working months, if not years before you and their circumstances may not be the same: resources, finance, team, etc. The end results may seem glamorous and fabulous, but do not get distracted. You don’t know how many sleepless nights they had, how much they cried, their financial investment and the list goes on. You have what it takes to make YOUR dream come true!
If you’ve been reading my blog, you know I’m a skincare fanatic. Offering clean, non-toxic, made with natural and organic ingredients.
As the vision was growing, I was being overwhelmed with the idea of doing everything by myself. In all honesty, I was stressed out more than anything else, because I knew that it was the beginning of something big!

You cannot do life alone!
I live by this motto! It takes a village to do life. Surrounding yourself with the right people is a must! Find trustworthy people that you know will encourage you. I’m grateful for the people around me. YOU GUYS ROCK! 🖤
It’s all in nature!
It took me time to come up with the right formulation. Everything is handmade with love with 100% natural and organic ingredients, as well. Our products are paraben-free, gluten-free, GMO-free, phosphate-free, sulfate-free, toxin-free and mineral oil-free.
We started with 3 products:
Face Cleanser: REVIVRE
Corrective Face Oil: RADIEUSE
Hydrating Face Oil: DORÉE
We decided to give French names because, why not? It’s my first language! 🙂
Give back
Giving back is an important value for me. Consequently, I decided to partner with Compassion Canada.
Anytime you purchase our soap “REVIVRE”, 15% of the proceeds will be donated to Compassion Canada’s Health and Wellness fund.
Help a child to relive, shop our REVIVRE SOAP. 🖤
Make sure to follow us on Instagram Facebook and SHARE, SHARE, SHARE with your friends and family!
Make sure to subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated.
Shop our collection at www.aisancenetive.com.
Instagram: @beautenetive
Facebook: @beautenetive
Génika Jo
[…] collection Aisance Beauté Nétive face oil. If you missed the announcement, read my blog post I finally gave birth! Meet my newborn. It’s a dry oil and a men’s favourite, as it will not leave your skin […]
Amazing products! I love them.